quick summary
Patricia Mooneyham
Patricia Mooneyham is an independent candidate who has a background in corporate America, higher education, and community service. As an independent she touts
being free from the constraints of partisan politics. Her agenda includes policies centered on healthcare as a human right, economic revitalization through reducing
red tape, a progressive tax code that closes loopholes for the wealthy and simplifies the filing process, immigration reform while securing the border, expansion of
voter rights and putting an end to gerrymandering, and significant investment into public education. We were able to speak with Mooneyham at Deerfield Day, with our
usual probe of trying to get more clarity on her agenda, policy positions, and comparing that to her opponents. She basically said (paraphrased): "My agenda is on my
website. It is difficult for me to do a direct comparison of agendas and policy positions with that of my opponents because their websites don't have their agendas
and policy positions clearly posted. I am basically running as an outside independent who is not a career politician (like Kim) and I also wasn't born with a silver
spoon in my mouth (like Bashaw). I am a woman of the people with real working class experience, so I am the best positioned to represent the average person." While
Mooneyham is presenting herself as a relatively strong, independent newbie, we are still left with many questions related to nuances regarding what exact policies she
will implement, how she plans on getting them implemented, and how that is different from what is already happening, let alone how that compares to the other candidates.
Hopefully as election season continues, we will learn more about all the candidates and how they directly compare.
It's Your Money Interview with Patricia Mooneyham
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