quick summary
Thomas Cannavo
Thomas Cannavo is running for Congress as a Green Party candidate, the same party as Jill Stein. He is a retired attorney who served as a prosecutor for about
25 years. He presents himself as an ordinary guy who will represent the interests of the majority of the people as opposed to the top 1%. He believes that
healthcare is a human right so he wants to implement medicare for all and end medical debt. Similarly, he believes that housing is a fundamental right, so he
wants to push for affordable housing laws and low interest rates for individual home buyers. He also wants to advocate for things such as ranked choice voting,
enhancing voting rights, to transition from fossil fuels to renewables, no tution for vocational schools or higher education, and foreign policy that ends
genocide and doesn't participate in unnecessary war spending. As is oftentimes the case with political candidates, there isn't much nuance about the things on his
agenda, let alone how he would plan on accomplishing these visions. We believe that for relatively unknown, 3rd party candidates, that level of depth is extra
necessary, as there is no track record to look into. Hopefully this information will come in during campaign season.
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