Running for:
US Senate


This election is on November 5th, 2024

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NJ Spotlight News Interview

individual agenda

    1. Wants to secure the border while revamping legal immigration policy. Cites a study that suggests illegal immigration is costing New Jersey $7.3 billion per year ($2100 per household) while Andy Kim voted against the Police Our Borders Act

    2. Wants to pursue and invest in emerging energy technologies while also striving for energy independence and protecting our environment. Costs and harm from projects like electrification, EVs, and off-shore wind can be abated as we pragmatically plan for the future.

    3. He wants to address inflation issues that affect every day people rather than relying on cherry-picking economic data that make the economy look good. He is against the voting record of Andy Kim on economic issues which contributed to inflation. He recognizes how this issue has specifically impacted families in New Jersey by making it more difficult for citizens to afford necessities. He plans to address this by creating jobs, stabilizing the economy, cutting regulations, cutting reckless spending, cutting middle class taxes, and bringing back jobs from China.

    4. Strong supporter of Israel and wants to stop the current chaos that's occurring on college campuses.

    5. Wants to defend and expand group association health plans to help keep health care costs low, as opposed to pursuing government based solutions that his opponent supports. He also wants to cut red tape among the insurance companies so they can be competitive, further lowering overall health care costs. Furthermore, he wants to allow doctors to use their medical licenses across state lines so Americans can have more choices in their healthcare. Finally, he wants to lift the limits on contributions to Health Savings Accounts.

    6. Wants to demonstrate confident leadership in the Senate to further promote 'Peace through Strength'. Incidents like the reckless withdrawal of Afghanistan signaled weakness to adversaries around the world that now might be their opportunity to strike. Returning strong leadership to Washington would help prevent such incidents in the future.

    7. As a pro-choice married gay man, he is an unwavering advocate for access to women's healthcare, birth control, and IVF

    8. Wants to end sanctuary state status in NJ

    9. He believes in protecting parents rights in schools

    10. He believes SALT (state and local taxes) rates are lopsided in NJ

    11. He wants to stop the cycle of printing and borrowing money.

    12. He is against the offshore windmill plan because it would increase utility costs.

    13. He is against secular indoctrination at schools.

    14. He believes in school choice.

    15. He wants to ensure we secure our border while helping allies overseas.

policy positions

    In favor of the TikTok ban.
  1. Twitter/X

  2. Strong support for Israel.
  3. Twitter/X

  4. Believes in peace through strength.
  5. Twitter/X

  6. Wants to keep taxes low.
  7. Twitter/X

  8. Wants to lower energy prices while harnessing local resources.
  9. Twitter/X


While Mr. Bashaw may not have been directly involved in politics up to this point, he has been around politics his whole life. His grandfather had a political radio show that the government shut down, and so his grandfather rented a boat to take his show off the coast and out of the jurisdiction so he could continue to broadcast. His grandfather also had a strong conviction that political discussions ought to be based in listening and persuasion rather than telling people exactly what to think or censoring unfavorable views.